Join us
Become a member of Hook Norton Community Land Trust (HNCLT) and contribute to making the vision of providing affordable, sustainable housing for the community, a reality.
HNCLT Membership is available to anyone over the age of 18 who supports the aims and ethos of HNCLT, including businesses and organisations.
You can become involved in HNCLT by volunteering to help run the communal facilities or by helping with activities and events.
If you would prefer to just Register an Interest in the project without becoming a member, or you are under 18 and interested in the project, please use the registration form to tell us a bit more about your interest.
Become a member
Hook Norton Community Land Trust (HNCLT) membership is open to anyone aged 18 or over, including residents, prospective residents, people who live or work in the local community, and people or organisations who support the aims and ethos of HNCLT as laid down in the Rules of HNCLT. You can become a member by purchasing a £1 share, and help to realise the vision of providing genuinely affordable, sustainable homes for people with a local connection to Hook Norton and the surrounding villages.
To become a member, please complete and submit the application form below.
Any businesses or organisations wishing to join will need to complete our Corporate Membership Form here
By joining HNCLT you will be invited to :
● Attend and vote at our Annual General Meeting;
● Stand for election to the board of HNCLT;
● Attend regular general meetings;
● Receive our regular newsletter.
When completing this from, please note the following points :
● You must be over 18 years of age to become a member;
● Membership entitles you to one £1 share and one vote;
● Organisations must nominate one person to represent them;
● Membership does not imply preferential access to any potential housing;
● Shares are not transferable or refundable, and carry no right to any interest, dividends or bonus;
● You need to notify HNCLT by email if you wish to terminate your membership;
● Membership can be terminated by the HNCLT Board for reasons laid down in the Rules of HNCLT;
● Your £1 membership share fee will become the property of HNCLT upon termination of membership;
● This application will be considered for acceptance by the elected Board.
Once your application has been approved, we will send you our bank details so that you can pay £1 in order to receive your share certificate.
By submitting this form, you are applying to become a member of Hook Norton Community Land Trust, and agreeing to abide by our rules as indicated in our Membership Policy
HNCLT is committed to keeping your personal information safe. Please read our Privacy Policy here .
We will be in touch as soon as your application has been approved. If you have any questions, please email
Please note that applying for membership will not give people priority to live in HNCLT homes.
Individual Membership
Become a corporate member
HNCLT welcomes interest from businesses and organisations who would like to support us in our aims by becoming Corporate Members. Please click on the Word icon below, download and fill out the application. Save a copy for your records and then send to the email address stated on the form.