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Current Newsletter

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Welcome to our October 2024 Newsletter

Last chance to invest in our 

award-winning housing project

Hook Norton Community Land Trust 

 Welcome to our February 2024 Newsletter

Our Community Share Offer closes this Sunday, 20 October so don't 

miss out on the opportunity to invest in this award winning, affordable 

and sustainable, community-led housing development


Have a look at our Share Offer Video and find out more on our Share Offer Page. Click on the image below to go to our Share Offer Profile on the Ethex platform

Ethex Profile Image.png

Invest in our Community Share Offer and be part of the solution to the Housing Crisis, Energy Crisis, and Climate Emergency

It all started with an OxFutures grant and it's taken six years of determination to get to this point, but it's been worth it to see the homes allocated and the young people and families move into their affordable and energy efficient homes, powered by a smart microgrid.

Please help us to ensure that this amazing community asset remains in community ownership by investing or donating now

Affordable Homes Allocated

We're delighted that all our affordable homes have now been allocated to people with a local connection to Hook Norton or one of the surrounding villages.


We asked some of our new residents what their new homes meant to them.

Click on the video link below to see what they said.

We've Won Three Awards

We were thrilled to win the prestigious Inside Housing Award for the 'Best Affordable Housing Development under £5 million', beating some strong competition.


We were also delighted to win the Evening Standards 'Best Low Carbon Home' Award, and the Unlock Net Zero Award, for 'Best Collaboration' with the following comment from the judges :


“The team exceeded expectations excelling in community engagement and showcasing a robust collaboration. Their efforts resulted in a well-crafted, thoughtful, and effectively implemented project that serves as an outstanding model for future sustainable initiatives.”


We've also been confirmed as finalists for the Oxford Climate Awards 'Green Building and Design Award', 

and the 'Innovation in Climate Action Award'.

Catherine Ryan of  the Hook Norton Community Land Trust Winner at the Development Awards

Four Homes for Sale

Four of the 2-bed homes are currently for sale at market value with Fairfax & Co Estate Agents for between £285,000 and £292,500.


If you know of anyone who may want to be part of this exciting community, please let them know that these stylish eco-homes are now available to buy.


Our Sales Policy and Sales Brochure are available on our website.


We were pleased to welcome 26 people to our 2024 AGM at the Hook Norton Brewery Malthouse Kitchen.


We were delighted to be joined by Sean Woodcock MP for Banbury, who spoke about the UK housing crisis. We were also thrilled to hear from Hannah Crawley and Rachel Cronin, who gave personal accounts of how moving into the new Hooky Homes has affected their lives.


It has been an amazing year for HNCLT, welcoming residents to their new homes, and seeing how the landscaping has transformed the site. It's fantastic to see the fruition of 6 years of planning and developing this unique project, and our thanks go out to all businesses and organisations involved with it. If you would like more information about the AGM, please click on the links below 

Did You See This Article in the Times?

The article, by Megan Snaith was in the 15/10/24 edition, in the pull-out section on “Labour’s net zero challenge".

We're thrilled to welcome Rachel to the HNCLT Board

Rachel Cronin moved to Hook Norton in 2017and became involved in HNCLT the following year through the numerous consultation meetings that took place in the village. A passionate advocate of the project from its early days, she believes that rural communities and working people should not be left out of the conversations around sustainable housing.


Rachel was one of the first residents to move into one of the houses in July2024 and she hopes to play a role in developing a plan for the use of the shared community facilities. Her background is in community education, and she has run contemporary painting workshops in and around the UK for nearly two decades. She currently teaches the Hook Norton Art Group on a Tuesday morning as well as exhibiting her work at galleries around the UK.

Rachel Cronin

We're also delighted to Welcome Grant to the HNCLT Board

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Grant began his involvement with HNCLT as our Community Share Offer Coordinator last November. That role has now come to an end and we're so pleased that Grant's enthusiasm and dedicated support will continue as he joins us as a Board member. Grant is hoping that this project becomes an example to other communities as to how they might address their local housing needs.

Hooky Hub

Hooky Hub has now moved its co-working group into the main space in the Bourne Green Community Building, and the Hub users are enjoying the comfortable space there.


Hooky Hub is an initiative of HNLC. If you would like more information, please follow those links, or email There is a range of subscription packages available, and a private meeting room that users can book. 


The Hub space and meeting room will be available for members of the community to hire outside of business hours i.e. weekday evenings and weekends. Please contact for more information.

Hooky Hub Workspace
The Hooky Hub Workspace

Bourne Green Therapy Room

As well as the space in the unfurnished Therapy Room, which will be available for bookings 7 days a week, the furnished Hub Meeting Room will also be available for bookings in the evenings and at weekends. The Meeting Room is an ideal space for consultations and meetings of up to 4people.

Bourne Green Meeting Room with Table and 4 Chairs

Please email if you are interested in using either the Therapy Room or the Meeting Room.

Why not become a Member of HNCLT?

Join for just £1

Membership is simple and affordable and open to anyone over the age of 18 who lives or works in the local and wider community and who supports the aims and ethos of HNCLT.  If you would like to join, the membership form can be found on our website: 


HNCLT Membership Form

We would love to welcome more of our contacts as members, so if you would like to have a £1 share in the company, be able to vote at public meetings, and help to influence the direction of HNCLT please click on the Membership Form link below. If you aren't sure whether you're a member or not, just drop us an email to

Social Media

Follow us @hooknortonclt on  YouTubeFacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn


Watch our videos here

Stay in Touch, Get in Touch

If you would like more information about any of the items in this newsletter, please visit our website or email us at


Hook Norton Community Land Trust Limited

Registered Office

The Brewery, Brewery Lane, Hook Norton OXON OX15 5NR

Community Benefit Society Number 8145




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